We won't be shakin' in our boots this spooky Halloween night. We'll be shakin' these cute pumpkin Salt n Pepper shakers.
Happy Halloween Everyone!
Halloween is actually my favorite holiday, but I'm not dressing up or decorating the house in spider webs this year. Instead, I'm preparing a trial menu for an upcoming dinner party.
On the menu:
Spiced Butternut Squash Apple Soup
Roasted Beef Tenderloin
Orange-infused Roasted Green Beans and Red Peppers
Fall Green Salad (to be determined, suggestions welcome)
Roquefort Popovers
For dessert, probably something light like sherbert and a cookie wafer.
I have a thing for Salt n Pepper shakers. I have a small collection and am always looking for sets that are unique, cute, or holiday specific. One of my favorite sets is, of course, horse related.
The truck dispenses salt at the front. The trailer dispenses pepper from the back.