Monday, February 22, 2010

Misty's Monday Muse

I've heard rumors of shedding going on out there.

Is it true?

Are any of you equines shedding already?

Not me.
My winter coat is staying on!

And I'd like more warm beet pulp porridge please.

After all, a mare's gotta eat to keep a voluptuous figure.


  1. Awww Misty look at that snow! Yes both Bonnie and Rosie are shedding profusely.

  2. I live in NE Ohio and my tree are just starting to shed out.

  3. Not shedding here yet either. They all look like wildebeests. Oh, and now I know why they have been called hay burners. We just got lots more hay to keep them plump and warm.

  4. Lol. Most of the horses here in Ontario have started shedding! It amazes me that horses here would shed before yours! Maybe Misty knows something we don't :-/

  5. Yepp, leaving me looking like horse #2.
    And what a nice figure you've got Misty!

  6. Hmm, now that you mention it...horses not shedding but cows are. Strange.

  7. Yes, Pie and Sovereign did start shedding this week. I took it as a Spring sign and boy was I wrong. Yesterday was grey and chilly and raw. I forgot, it is only February! Misty, you are just adorable covered in snow.

  8. My two Fjords are just starting. The QH and the mutt are not. Not one loose hair. I think it is because the Fjords have more "insulation". I just loooove shedding season and eating hair. Oh, my. Love the Perchie rump.

  9. Winter coats are very much still needed in WI.

  10. Oh! Look at that big beautiful snow covered bum!

    We have shedding. YES! Just a little bit, but it's starting...spring is just around the corner and we are SO ready for warmer days.

  11. We had a break from the storms. Yesterday was beautiful and Misty & Marley were running around like crazy and kicking up their heals.

    You lucky shedders. The rest of us will catch up few months?
